Please read below for instructions on using the quick pay option or registering for the first time.
- Enter your account number as it apprear on your bill.
- Your will need your last payment amount,
MINUS any fees.
- If this is the FIRST PAYMENT on your utility account, then enter 25.00.
GARBAGE ONLY accounts enter 0.00
Please Note: You will be asked for your
"last payment amount" everytime you use the "QUICK PAY' option.
We are located @ 203 S. Pacific Ave. Inside the Kelso City Hall.
- Pay by mail: City of Kelso, PO Box 94264, Seattle, WA 98124-6564
- In person: Cash, Check, MO, Cashier's Check, Debit-free of charge or Credit*
- Pay by phone: 1-360-578-7915 Option # 1
- Drop box: Located on the side of City Hall closest to Work Source,
- Rapid/Auto Pay: Contact us for an application to have utility payments deducted from your checking account. There is no fee for this service.
*3% fee applied to all online, pay by phone payments and Credit Card transactions.